Egg FreezingFertility

Egg Freezing Procedure

By September 2, 2019 October 18th, 2019 No Comments
What is Egg Freezing?

Egg Freezing, or more commonly known as Oocyte Cryopreservation, is a method of helping a woman to preserve her fertility so that she can use when she is ready to have a family. As a part of IVF(In-vitro Fertilisation), which was invented more than 4 decades ago, egg freezing process involves hormone injections, egg retrieval,  freezing them, and then stored for future use.


There are many reasons as to why women choose to freeze her eggs. Some undergo the procedure for medical reasons such as Chemotherapy as it disrupts fertility. Its recent innovative technology fast-egg-freezing in liquid nitrogen, enhanced egg survival rates.

The technology was ‘experimental’ until 2012 when the label was lifted by ASRM, American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Since then, an increasing number of women have chosen egg freezing to protect their future as they foresee childbearing not happening anytime soon, regardless of their intentions.

Some awaken people know delaying childbearing accounts for increasing infertility issues so they proactively take the precaution to avoid possible IVF, which is more expensive and agonizing. Egg freezing allows them, if it’s done at a younger age, to capture the highest quality eggs and to have a better chance to conceive a baby when they are ready.

Freedom Edge offers you the wisdom to help you make the best choice for your future. Be it procedures, success rates of hospital or diet recommendations, Freedom Edge will be there for  you every step of the way through your egg freezing journey on your own terms. So, start planning with us today. Click Here to Learn More.

Egg Freezing Procedure

On the 2nd or 3rd day of your period, you will take blood tests that monitor your fertility hormones’ level. Usually it test main hormones AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone), Prolactin, Thyroid. Other hormones can be added if necessary. An Ultrasound scanning will be done along with blood tests.

Some hospitals recommend extra tests for any infectious diseases like Hepatitis and HIV. This has no relevance to whether you will be able to freeze your eggs but it can be done upon doctors’ recommendation.

After the simple hormone tests, the journey that normally takes 2 weeks will commence. Once a doctor prescribes medicines and hormones, you will inject hormones that boost egg production and help the eggs mature. Monitoring growing eggs through an ultrasound scanning, a retrieval date will be scheduled. Again, through an ultrasound-guided probe while you’re under minor anesthesia or sedation, the retrieval process will be no more than 20 minutes. There will be no need for an overnight stay.

The eggs will then be added to a cryoprotectant (freezing solution) to protect the eggs, thereafter frozen through vitrification and stored in tanks of liquid nitrogen.

Doctors will typically be able to retrieve 10~15 eggs from most patients although this is not always the case for patients with low ovarian reserves (low number of eggs). When the eggs are ready to be used, they will be thawed and fertilized using a fertility treatment called ICSI.

Before you begin your treatment, you can consult with doctors on a length of storage, what should happen to you eggs under circumstances which render you incapable of deciding and etc. However, fret not, Freedom Edge is experienced with the process and will be able to guide you along the way.

Freedom Edge helps by consulting and evaluating with you the different options and hospitals that are best suited for you, and ultimately, takes the stress of having to do the whole process alone off your shoulders.  

Beat the biological clock and take control your life and plan your future with peace in your mind. This all makes sense ONLY when you take a first step of contacting Freedom Edge.

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