Egg FreezingGeneral InformationS.KoreaTechnology

Reality Check – Part 1

By April 21, 2020 May 19th, 2020 No Comments

At times it’s frustrating that I can’t give you a vivid, raw experience in each step of egg freezing myself because I couldn’t undergo it. What I can do is to find legitimate sources of updated, meaningful information and share with you. I still spend hours and hours per day in search of new information on & off line. It’s because it’s a part of my mission in Korea as well.

Recently I discovered ‘Elenza Wellness’ and thought their mission is inline with mine. Full article here

I once ditched the idea of egg freezing, citing that the statistics were not in my favor. But what I didn’t realize back then was that some of the data I referred didn’t accurately reflect potential outcomes now. Since then, obviously treatment protocols, equipment and attitudes have all evolved.

*I’ve talked about why I didn’t give a try egg freezing when I could have. Previous post here


You are an unique creature and month to month your ovaries and eggs can act different from other women. Take preliminary test and it’ll be the best indication how well your body would respond to stimulating medicines.

Indisputable data points by age is what we can use as good rules of thumb.


During our public event last November 2019, a lady asked me about the link between egg freezing and cancer.

  • Fertility medications have not been linked to cancer – An extensive and comprehensive study published last summer found no increase in cases of breast cancer among women who had taken fertility medications, and similar studies have found no increase in other types of cancer, either.
  • Freezing your eggs now will not have any effect on your fertility in the future – If you hadn’t frozen your eggs, you’d still lose them in the natural process of monthly egg loss.
  • There’s no difference in the risk of birth defects, chromosomal anomalies, or pregnancy complications when using frozen eggs or embryos as compared to fresh eggs or embryos. So the latest science says. ****


Needless to say it’s quality that matters the most, NOT QUANTITY.

Sure, the more eggs you have frozen, the more chance of them making a baby in the future.

BUT what also really matters is how many of those are of a quality worth keeping – the elites.

As such, the current thinking is that freezing more than 20 eggs in one “cycle” could potentially impact quality, though more research is needed in this area.


Luckily, now no women would go into the procedure blindly believing it’s a sure guaranteed way to have a future baby. But egg freezing is still a wonderful way to improve your odds of being able to futureproof your fertility.

Some asked why I introduce S. Korea rather than Thailand or Malaysia where you could get it under one third cost. It’s because there are situations down the line that can also affect the safekeeping your eggs.

  • Storage facility failure – this is very rare but has happened.
  • While studies indicate that there is no “expiration date” for your eggs, some countries has limit on how long you could keep your eggs.
  • IVF and IVF and IVF: Freezing your eggs is a way of storing your own young eggs so that you have the potential to use them in IVF treatment so IVF success rates are a good guideline when choosing an overseas hospital

I’m on a continual mission, both in Korea and Singapore, to guide you along from information gathering to formulate your decisions to undergoing procedure. No matter what your stories are, I’ll cheer for you from 3000 km away.

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