
First Workshop In Seoul

By June 2, 2020 June 15th, 2020 No Comments

While I am waiting for the quarantine restriction lifted for traveling back to Singapore, we’ve held a small workshop for ladies in Korea on Wed 27 May 2020. Inviting only a handful ladies, making cozy environment where any questions could be raised openly, we had an interactive, lively session at a cafe in SeongSu-dong, a hipster area in Seoul. (Yes, no more Garosu-gil….!)

The review was unexpectedly good, in my unbiased(?) opinion. I translated it as in an increasing number of ladies in Korea are interested in fertility healthcare and egg freezing in a form of the solution as well.

"Was an informative and structured session that covered what egg freezing entails, how it works, and cost. I haven't given thoughts to marriage and family planning yet, so it gave me new perspectives in life and future. Besides it really made me realize the importance of fertility healthcare, regular check-ups, fertility enhancing lifestyle." 난자냉동의 원리와 과정, 비용을 구체적으로 배울 수 있는 아주 유익한 시간이었습니다. 결혼과 출산에 대해서 진지하게 생각해보거나 계획을 세운적이 없었는데 많은 고민을 해야겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 그리고 제 생식건강에 너무 신경을 쓰지 않았다는 것을 알게되어 앞으로 검사도 주기적으로 받고 건강한 생활습관을 가지려고 합니다.

Kang * EunThought provoking!

I really loved it! Was not just words but full of data, facts, and reliable resources. Even better as everyone interacted and communicated openly. And thanks for sandwich and drink! "너무 좋았어요. 구체적인 데이터로 얘기해 주셔서 더 믿음이 갔구요 서로 소통하듯 얘기 나눠서 더 기억에 남습니다. 그리고 샌드위치와 차 준비해주신것도 너무 감사했어요"

Lee * RmWas trustworthy session!

I value a meaningful workshop that every single participant understands what egg freezing is all about, and why it’s important to be proactive in setting fertility planning. It’ll be a small session with less than 10 people, where everyone feel comfortable asking any questions.

We are setting up a webinar on 1st of July: Is egg freezing an answer If I dream of having a perfect family and successful career? Leave us your email address and comment below if you are interested in joining!

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